

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Bathroom Counter Top Transformation Part 4

Well we're finished with our counter top. Unfortunately my video recorder went on the fritz so I was unable to do the final video for you.

After the colors were dry it was time to add the metallic veins in both our copper and gold.

I used two very fine topped artist brushes one for each metallic and this wide tipped brush to accomplish the metallic look.

Here you can see the lines of metallic that I've added. 

To accomplish this lightly dip the fine point of the brush into the metallic color picking up a very small amount of paint. Drag the tip of the brush along the top in a line and roll it from side to side at different points to get the wider lines. Take the stubby wide brush and tap along the lines to create definition. Use a very small piece of sponge to dip into the metallic and lightly tap at the start and end of your lines.. Again there is no right way or wrong way to do this. Add as much or as little as you like but spread the lines out across the entire counter top.

This is a shot of one end of our top after I've completed the metallic.

Once the metallic is dry we taped off over our sink and sealed the counter top with Min Wax Helmsman High Gloss Urethane. This product sprays on easily with no streaking and is moisture resistant and flexible to changes in humidity and temperature. All the features we wanted in a sealant for a bathroom counter.
 We purchased ours at Wal-Mart for $8.78. One can is more then adequate for our surface area.

We're going to allow this to set for 48 hours before we put anything on our counter but it was dry to the touch in about 2 hours. 

And here is the finished counter top drying after being sealed.

I want to show you the example image we used to pick the colors and pattern for our faux top.
This granite is called Santa Cecilla. We priced it at $ 695.00 for a 72" x 23" slab with one cut out for a round sink.

This is our version of Santa Cecilla. Total cost $47.87 cents.

Overall this project went better then I expected. A little time, and patience to get the pattern right is really all you need. DO find a good image of the granite you want to create and match your paint colors as close as possible. Then let your imagination take over and we're sure you'll love the results.

We'll be back in the bathroom to do some painting and replace the drawer handles in a little bit. Once the wall over the counter is painted as well as the base vanity it will be time to install the back splash.

That's all for the bathroom this week.. I've got painting to do in the kitchen and living room before we proceed with the next phase of remodeling in those rooms.