


The New Gas Range

One of the worst parts of moving into and living in a home while it's being renovated is the short comings it might have.

For Sylvia the worst was the lack of a functional gas cook stove. The old stove was not only non functional it was dirty, grease loaded and a relic from some yesteryear. It had to go!

Worse then that the electrical behind the stove had been left uncapped and simply sticking up in mid air. It's hard to see in the blow up below but trust me.. it was just there.. hanging out of the wall.

While waiting for another stove  cooking was accomplished in an electric skillet, on a hot plate or in the microwave.. It's amazing what one can fix using these three appliances....

Installation of the new range started with installing a Leviton 20 amp, 125 volt GFCI outlet.

Once the outlet was functional we laid down the new plywood sub floor and brought in the new range.

It became a short test of nerves when the wrench we had available wouldn't fit the range side of the flex hose coupling. A quick run to Home Depot for a larger adjustable wrench solved the problem.

Sue works behind the range attaching the flex hose to the back of the range. It was tight quarters both for her and the wrench!

It's a big thumbs up as the burners light for the first time on the new range!! Can't wait to bake a big loaded pizza in my new oven!!!

The new black Frigidaire range in place on the new sub floor... what a beautiful sight this is!!

Some Things Just Can't Be Explained

It didn't take us long to discover some rather unusual things about Sylvia.

First we knew that she had had several short term owners and that at least one of them had demolished most of the original interior. But, there were still some things that defied logical explanation

Example.. the pipe to nowhere.....

Yes that's a PVC pipe and yes it is hanging out of the ceiling at the end of the kitchen cupboards. Odd to say the least  but even stranger was the fact that it went through the roof and had no cap! Can we say water water come on in? No explanation as to why it was left this way or as to why there wasn't a cap on the roof

Maybe they ran out of wire?

Yes that's an electrical switch box and yes it is dangling from the ceiling about 18 inches from the wall. We have no explanation why it was left like this but it does work and turns on the one ceiling light in the kitchen / dining area. There is a second fixture in the room but it apparently has no wiring leading to anything... More on that light later..

They took out the bathroom fan and left the leak

This is the bathroom ceiling as it was when we purchased the home. They had removed the vent fan and not repaired damage. Worse yet there was a bad roof leak right over this and they never fixed that either. Why? We can only wonder.