

This is Sylvia a 1974 HollyPark Single Wide Mobile Home

This is how Sylvia looked when we first purchased her in February 2016.

There had been no routine maintenance or repairs done for a long time.

The home had had several owners none of which had taken care of her. The outside was old and faded. She really showed her 42 years of age.

There was junk everywhere

To add to it there was junk everywhere. Such a lovely space on the back patio was filled with trash!

The 30 by 14 foot Florida Room Gave Sylvia a lot of possibilities

With doors at both ends and windows accross the front the room had been built to be light and airy. The original doors were still in place though broken and unusable.

This old lady was ready to be loved again

We saw past all her challenges and visualized a renovated home that retained her original charm. To do a project like this it takes more then money.. it takes love and passion for the home itself.This is our blog about that passion and the journey it set us on. We hope you'll come along.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Two Free Cabinets Combine for One Stylish Country Cupboard.

In the heyday of mobile homes Holly Parks had fantastic kitchens.. rich wood cabinets, a mirrored hutch and even a corner cupboard for Mom's china. Sylvia was no exception and old pictures we located show just how nice a space this kitchen was.

From it's light and airy triple windows to the pass through into the living area there was an abundance of storage and space. Well folks, that is all gone.. no one knows why some previous owner took everything .... and I mean EVERYTHING original out.

The result is one counter against the window wall with a sink.. a space for the fridge at the end of it . Three cabinets and one BOOKCASE.. Yes I said BOOKCASE!! Right next to that greasy old stove was a greasy old bookcase. It and the stove had to go!!

Here's the kitchen taken on move in day 2016

A new stove arrived and out went the greasy old one along with the greasy bookcase .... aka "pantry"
That left a space only 28 inches wide for something "new"... It also left me with not much storage space for flatware, dishes and food. 

It was two free cabinets; one put out just down the street with a sign "FREE TO GOOD HOME" and the second one found on the online market place LETGO by Sue.. Both were the right width.. but separate and not exactly matching style wise.

I started with the one that would become the "base" it had a nice top which I refinished using the faux granite technique I had used in the bathroom. So using the Honey Tea paint that all the cabinets will become and new hardware from Home Depot.. I started to paint.

This is going to be the base of our farmhouse cupboard.

Here it is painted our base color "Honey Tea"

With the top already finished and a new pull for the drawer already to be installed I moved on to the top half of my re-purpose project.

This one had two nice doors and a finished top shelf so I took off the old knobs and started to paint.

Awhile back I had found the knobs and pulls I wanted for the kitchen at Home Depot online. These classy glass and metal hardware is just antique enough to fit our Shabby Chic decor. The oatmeal color is a close color match for the paint we're using. They weren't in stock in our local store so I ordered them online and they arrived quickly.
Hickory Hardware Country Casual Antique Oatmeal Oval Knob

Hickory Hardware Country Casual Oatmeal Pull

With both sections painted I went about putting it all in place. First I installed the new back splash tin panel behind the area so I wouldn't have to move the cabinets once they were in place. With that done the new unit was ready for placement.

Okay it's together and in place...not bad!

 Add a battery powered tap light up top to give it some charm

And there it is.. a completely new re-purposed farmhouse cupboard

With the new cupboard in place I now have storage for my flatware, foil , bags, canisters, baking dishes and more. it fits so nicely between the stove and wall, doesn't interfere with my pot rack and matches the country charm we want in Sylvia's Shabby Chic farmhouse kitchen. Best of all it only cost me time, paint and the hardware I used... Free is great ... re-purposed free is WONDERFUL!!